Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our very first night ...

Hi everyone!

So, as most of you know, tonight (January 28, 2011) I brought my new puppy Juliette home. I was so lucky and blessed to receive her from the parents of one of my sorority sisters. Juliette is an almost ten week old Golden Retriever puppy. She is adorable and, in my opinion, incredibly smart. She's happy, incredibly social, very curious and a quick learner.

I made the decision to adopt Juliette in December, about three weeks after we had to put our family dog, Daisy, to sleep. Daisy hadn't been sick that we knew, so it came as a shock. But she was almost fifteen and lived a very full, happy, long life with us. I was hit very hard by it immediately because as many of you know, I've had a nice helping of surgeries over the past two or three years and Daisy was my constant companion. Without her, healing might've been much different and slower. I was very, very lonely, and even though I was still mourning, I started the search for my first dog and decided that a Golden Retriever was the best fit for me, given how smart they are and their natural good nature. When I turned to my sorority sister Emily for help, she let me know her dad's dog had just had a litter of AKC registered Golden Retrievers a few days before we had to have Daisy put to sleep. Emily and I had just recently gotten back in touch, and I felt like it was meant to be.

Juliette's name comes from the name Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouts. I spent every summer from the time I was little until I was well into my teenage years at Girl Scout camps that were my second home. Neither of them had any names that seemed fitting for this little girl dog and then Juliette came to me, and it seemed appropriate, especially since I have ever intention to make sure Juliette loves to be outdoors and go everywhere with me. Another strange irony was that in looking up Juliette Gordon Low to make sure that I had the spelling correct, I realized something that I know I learned back in my scouting days, but had forgotten -- Juliette went by the nickname "Daisy" amongst her friends. This was another reason I felt like it was meant to be.

I have been counting down for weeks now, and I honestly can't believe she's finally here. I feel like I'm living in a dream! My parents are so excited to have her here too, and my little brother is excited to come home next weekend. Juliette will also be meeting several of her many aunts this week and next. She is a very loved puppy.

One of the cool things is that Emily is also taking one of the puppies, as is a friend of mine from high school, and Emily's parents are definitely keeping one. She'll remain pretty close to her siblings throughout her life and I'm very excited to see how they grow and change in comparison to each other.

For now, everything is clear here on our front. After a lot of playing, several potty trips, a snack and some snuggling, she is now in her crate. My big sister Kim suggested the concept of me having her up in bed to cuddle last thing at night and first thing in the morning, that way, she learns when is good to be in bed with me and that I can ask her to come up. Juliette will eventually be quite big, and I've got a twin bed for now. Kim did this with her puppy Riley, and it worked well for her. She slept soundly for about 45 minutes before she woke up and whined a bit, but settled down quickly. She is now sleeping again, but I'm not crazy enough to think it won't happen again. She has a very snuggly bed in her crate, a soft stuffed moose toy to cuddle with and a Nylabone to chew. I also have a toy that has been used by she and her siblings in the crate with her, so it has a familiar smell. I've put a blanket over the top, and she is okay for now!

Juliette is a very fast learned. I have an adjustable leash that I'm using for right now until I take her to the store tomorrow and make sure I get a collar that fits well. She already ducks her head right into the collar part of it and goes outside to go to the bathroom without issue. We have a very big front and back yard, and there is all kinds of fresh untouched snow, so she's loved eating the snow and playing in all of it. We've had a lot of fun!

I'm going to lay down and watch some TV for now, and hopefully I will get to sleep a little. Tomorrow, we'll be headed over to Petsmart to get her a collar and leash, and probably a few more toys.

I'll try to keep posting so that everyone can see what's going on! :)

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