Sunday, January 30, 2011

These boots were made for sleeping

Hello everyone!

So, night two with Juliette went pretty well. She was very, very tired last night, but she really didn't want to go to sleep and was really against the crate. But, after crying for about five or six minutes, she did eventually fall asleep and slept for a solid four hours. I got up with her for one quick potty trip and then she went right back to sleep in the crate for another four and a half hours. Overall, the night went very well.

Juliette really loves one particular pair of my winter boots that has drawstrings at the top to keep them tight. They're furry on the inside and have furry tassels, too. Juliette really thinks they are fun to play with, but when she stuck her head in them for the first time today, she realized how furry and fun they are! She then proceeded to take an hour and a half long nap cuddled up with them. It was so cute ... See for yourself!

Earlier this afternoon, we took Juliette to Petsmart for the first time. I got her all enrolled for her puppy socialization class and we got her several new things. She now has more toys than she could ever possibly need but is truly enjoying all of them. She was also the star of the store and had many adoring fans who pet her and fell in love with her! She also started being a little more vocal, especially when other dogs were in the store. It was incredibly fun to watch and she was by far getting the most attention of any pet in the store and behaving so, so well.

Tomorrow is my first day back at school since I've gotten Juliette. My Monday is the longest, so in someways, I'm really upset that I have to spend a lot of time away, but I'm also glad I get it out of the way right away! First thing in the morning I have a class out at Eastern from 9:30-10:45 a.m. I'll probably be home around 11:15 a.m., and I will get her out for lunch, playing, and going outside for a little while. Then I have to leave around 12:30 p.m. to go to Royal Oak for my class from 1-3:55 p.m. I'll probably get home around 4:15 p.m. for dinner, playing, and going outside for a little while, and then I leave for class at 5:20 p.m. for my last class, when I'll be home around 9 p.m. Luckily, my mom will be home all day, and my dad gets home around 4 p.m., so she won't spend much time in the crate at all.

Tonight, we are having my friend Maggie over and she is the first of my friends to meet Juliette! :) I'm very excited to see her interact with someone else!

:) That's all for now!

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