Saturday, January 29, 2011

Through the looking glass

Today was our first full day with Miss Juliette and it went pretty well. We had a little whining with the crate issues, but it wasn't too bad, and in the end, I did get her to sleep a solid five hours.

Most of today was dedicated to Juliette, playing with her, and figuring out what she likes and what makes he curious.

Today, Juliette discovered our full length mirror, and also that she could see her reflection in the cabinet of our TV stand since it's made of glass, and in the reflection of the oven door. She has been exploring these all day and just trying to figure them out. It's incredibly cute! She also discovered she likes to take newspapers when people are reading them, and at one point, she found a circular for Kohl's which she brought right to me -- yep, she's definitely my dog. She also really likes socks.

Juliette is already fitting in so well with our family. She's gotten very attached. For example, my dad left for a couple hours this afternoon and she definitely noticed. She searched all over the house for him. But, she was a very lucky girl, because when my dad came home, he'd picked up a couple more toys for her. He got her a really cool, soft plush bone with sort of a corduroy material, and then two ropes of floss/rope tuggy material to it and a bright green dinosaur which makes a low sort of rattling noise that she just love.

Juliette is very smart. She has already learned the commands sit and the word no. However, there are a few things that "no" doesn't seem to work for -- i.e., plants or branches in the yard, one specific set of cords behind my mom's arm chair in the living room. But, she goes to the door to let me (or whomever is closest) know she's got to go outside. She's doing great on the leash and she is extremely patient and great at communicating. She's also found some of her favorite places to nap and picked up on certain games she likes to play with.

Tomorrow, I'm going to Petsmart with my mom and dad to pick up a few things and get her registered for her first set of puppy classes which start in late February. Maggie, one of my best friends, is coming to meet her tomorrow.

As of now, I just got Juliette in her crate. She whined for about 5-10 minutes but now seems to be settled in, so I'm going to take this opportunity to get some sleep! :)

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