Monday, January 31, 2011

The shadow of your smile

Things are starting to get a little normal around here and Juliette is getting very well adjusted. Last night, she slept a good seven hours in her crate before she woke up, then slept another hour in the morning. Then we played for awhile, and then we got up in bed and took a nice mid-morning nap.

Going to school today was hard, but I made it, and I was so happy to have my mom home the first little while, and then my dad shortly after I left, too. My parents said she clearly missed me a lot, but she was still very happy and played all night with them. It was nice to have them here and not have to worry, and coming home to see her was so exciting!

New on the list of things that Juliette is discovering the past day or two is her shadow. We had beautiful sun both yesterday and this morning, and she loves to pounce at her own shadow, or dig at mine! If I dangle something up to make a shadow too, she will run around pouncing after it for a long time.

She also loves to find things! Since we have quite a bit of snow in our yard, it's very easy for me to get the toes of my boots completely buried in the snow, and she loves to uncover the snow and find them!

Juliette is so, so smart. We have her learning the word sit already, and she does it after you ask a few times -- she's also been learning the hand signal for it, which is VERY impressive. She's also going after things like leaves in the yard less and responding even better to the word no.

Another great thing is that she's learning the routine. At the end of the night, I walk back and forth from my room bringing each of my things (my purse, my schoolbooks, etc.) and she follows me back and forth chasing me. We do the same with her favorite toys while I get her crate set up. This really tires her out. Then, I gate up my room and she plays with me on the floor for awhile, and then I work on homework or get online for a little while and let her chew and wear herself out a bit. Then, I get her up in my bed with me and she snuggles with me for awhile. Tonight, when she was done chewing her toy, she put her paws up on the edge of my bed looking like she wanted to get up and snuggle, and she did! I can tell she's getting close to be needing to go outside one last time when she's changing positions a lot and starts panting. We take her one last time, then she snuggles a little more and goes in the crate. She's sleeping next to me right now, and I'm just getting ready to put her in.

We're preparing for Snowmageddon here. We're supposed to get 2-4 inches tonight, and then another 10-16 over the course of Tuesday night and Wednesday. Luckily, I have plenty of food for her, we always have water on hand, and we have tons of extra blankets. The only thing that will change if for some reason our power DOES go out is that she would get to sleep the night with me in my bed the entire night to stay warm.

Otherwise, things are going great over here! :) We are all loving our little girl, and we are looking so forward to my little brother coming home this weekend to meet her. We all agree that she is just a little gem and we feel like we are the luckiest family! :)

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