Saturday, February 19, 2011

She throws her paws up in the air sometimes

Hi everyone!

So, I can't believe that it's been more than three weeks now since I've had Juliette. I can't imagine life without her anymore. She is such a great little girl and we are so happy to have her.

Since my last post, we've had a few really big accomplishments on our end. First of all, Juliette is going to the bathroom in the house much, much less, which we are very happy about. Secondly, we have established a toy box for Juliette, and this morning, she started putting away her own toys before she took new ones out. Most of the time, she got the toy in. (Or at least she tried -- her favorite bone is by Kong, so it's a little bouncy, and she kept trying to drop it in, and it would bounce off the edges.)

She's also becoming more of a cuddle-bug (which she already was, but she is even more now). She really loves to get up on the couch with me and cuddle while I read or use my laptop, but she really doesn't like anything that detracts any attention from her. This evening, I was laying on the couch reading, and she actually walked right on top of me, laid down on my stomach and stretched her paws out over my shoulder, so I really couldn't hold the book up. And then she proceeded to give me lots of kisses and chew on my hair. But it was very cute! :)

The end of this week has been very different because the weather has been warmer and there are all kinds of new things for Juliette to discover. She's definitely an outdoor dog, and several times when I took her outside, she was happy just to lay down in the grass and let the sun shine on her and the breeze blow by. We had a little war over grass and whether or not she would be allowed to pull up my dad's yard, but that's getting better. Of course, we are scheduled to get another mountain of snow dropped on us tomorrow, and then it will be back to the status quo.

My parents have said several times recently that Juliette is the perfect dog for me. She's goofy, a little clumsy, but very congenial. She had recently taken to spending lots of time on her back while she either attempts to catch her tail (and she will talk to it while she tries) or play with a toy while she's on her back, paws up in the air. Here's a picture of her playing with her rope tuggy on her back:

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