Monday, February 7, 2011

Top chef

Today, Kyle headed back to CMU. I think it was one of the harder times for him to go back. He and Juliette got very attached to each other very quickly.

This weekend was one of both victories and some battles.

The main battle is that Juliette is now well into the period where occasionally, her puppy biting is a little too forceful. She of course isn't intentionally hurting anyone and really just thinks she's teething, but it does hurt. After a lot of research, I decided on a two-prong approach to it. First, keep something she can chew nearby to distract her when she goes to chew on a person (and of course scold her, but encourage the chewing on the toy heavily and praise her). Second, if she's really insistent, get up and move away from her and attempt to remove the temptation. This has worked and she is being much better about it!

We are also learning a few new things about Miss Juliette.

One of these things is that she is most definitely a kitchen-loving dog. I'm thinking that's probably because she spent a lot of time in the kitchen at the house where she was raised her first nearly ten weeks. She loves to watch anything that is going on and she is very well-behaved. She doesn't beg while we're cooking, she just wants to lay at our feet or watch. She of course also loves being near the dishwasher when it's running -- I think the noise is comforting and of course it's warm!

The biggest victory is that Juliette is now not only tolerating her crate but enjoying it, and tonight went there of her own accord to fall asleep! She also hung out in it a few times today while I was doing things. I'm so happy that she is growing into the idea that it is her place.

Tomorrow is Juliette's first visit with our family vet -- I'll be sure to update soon! :)

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